Below is a list of 238 open source organisations which are friendly and ideal for newcomers to start their contribution!
The process of navigating open source as a novice can be a challenge. Everyone knows that contributions to open source could boost your reputation and expertise, but the main question is Where do we begin?

So, I’ve got your ready for the crucial initial step.
For the best use of this checklist:
You can save or download the entire list to ensure that you don’t lose the list
Discover projects that you like in your preferred programming language
On GitHub or GitLab, search for labels like ‘good-first-bugs’, ‘contributions-welcome’, ‘easy’, ‘good-first-contribution’ and ‘help wanted’ in the ‘Issues’ section of the repository
Pick a task and begin working with these basic problems

Download List of Open Source companies to provide oppurtunity for freshers.

Source : Linked in Princi Vershwal